Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents

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Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children and Teens

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, 严重的慢性疾病是否常被诊断不足且未得到适当治疗. These illnesses can be dangerous, 因此,为了让我们的孩子获得康复所需的帮助,识别饮食失调的迹象和症状对我们来说很重要.

On this week’s On Call for All KidsSarah Sobalvarro, Ph.D., a licensed pediatric psychologist at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital who works closely with the Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic, is here to share some important information on this topic.

What is an eating disorder?

饮食失调是一种复杂的医学疾病,具有严重的生理影响, 精神和社会心理后果以及与高死亡率的关系. 饮食失调涉及与食物的不健康关系,并对日常功能造成严重干扰. Some examples of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, 暴食障碍和回避型限制性食物摄入障碍(也称为ARFID).

What is atypical anorexia nervosa?

非典型神经性厌食症是一种常见的饮食失调,由于非典型厌食症患者的体重在正常范围内,因此经常被忽视或诊断不足. 非典型厌食症与典型神经性厌食症有着相同的症状和风险,它们同样危险,所以我们想监测不同体重的人是否有饮食失调.

饮食失调被认为是精神健康障碍和医学疾病. Therefore, 患有饮食失调症的人应该向专门治疗饮食失调症的医疗专业人员和心理健康专业人员寻求帮助. 当一个孩子或青少年正在与饮食失调作斗争时,也建议有一个营养师密切参与.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder?

In anorexia nervosa or atypical anorexia nervosa, 一些最常见的迹象是经常评论体重/外貌, skipping meals, eating small portions, refusal to eat high-sugar, high-fat foods, overall restrictive food intake and excessive exercise. Severe weight loss, 对体重增加的恐惧和严重的身体形象障碍也是厌食症的警告信号.

What is bulimia nervosa?

神经性贪食症被分类为暴饮暴食的模式,随后使用补偿行为, such as purging, fasting, laxative or diuretic use, and excessive exercise to prevent weight gain. 

What is binge eating disorder?


What is ARFID?

ARFID是一种饮食失调症,根据感官特征(质地)对食物的明显厌恶来分类。, lack of interest in eating, 或者担心吃东西的不良后果,比如胃痛, vomiting or choking.

饮食失调的其他迹象包括隐藏/偷偷摸摸地吃东西, 卡路里追踪和拒绝参加与食物有关的社交活动. As you can see, 饮食失调有几种不同的迹象,表明个人可能需要专业人士的评估.


当儿童或青少年开始有紊乱的饮食行为时,会产生一些医学和心理健康后果. Medical concerns include rapid weight change, low heart rate, hormone changes, electrolyte shifting, fatigue, breathing problems, hair loss, blood pressure changes, heart rhythm abnormalities, fainting and even death. 饮食失调患者经常出现的心理健康问题包括社会孤立, loneliness, significant anxiety, withdrawal, depression and suicidal ideation.


Take these concerns seriously. Eating disorders can be a very sensitive topic, 但向值得信赖的成年人或专业人士求助是迈向康复的最重要步骤之一. 与你的医生或治疗师讨论这个问题会帮助你得到正确的治疗, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan.


Great question! 重要的是要记住,饮食失调是一种医学和精神健康障碍,所以儿童/青少年很难自己康复. They need treatment and consistent support from their families. 这意味着父母不应该害怕密切监视他们的孩子或青少年的饮食行为. 父母应该确保他们的孩子每天吃各种各样的食物并获得足够的营养.

父母可能需要使用聪明的策略来确保他们的孩子遵守饮食规则,而不是陷入饮食失调的行为. Remember to balance empathy and authoritativeness. 作为父母,退缩是很有诱惑力的,因为争吵可能发生在吃饭的时候,或者因为我们觉得孩子/青少年不想要帮助, but don’t give in to the eating disorder.

Remember that your child did not choose to have an eating disorder. 作为父母或照顾者,你的角色是帮助你的孩子对抗饮食失调. 父母和家庭是康复的关键组成部分,应密切参与其子女的治疗.


Adolescent and Young Adult Specialty Clinic
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, 为所有阶段的患者提供青少年和年轻成人的专业护理,并支持从童年到成年的过渡. Including specialized care for the physical, mental and social well-being of adolescents and young adults.

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